The Area Meeting Sustainability Action Group (AMSAG) was formed in December 2021. Since then we have frequently invited guest speakers to our monthly meetings. We've covered subjects as diverse as energy, insulation, food, transport, ecocide, water, population, book reviews, energy use in our local meetings, personal sustainability, activism, coastal erosion, climate justice, river restoration, and the Quaker response to the abuse of our planet.
We meet online on the second Wednesday of the month from 7pm to 8:30pm . All welcome. The zoom details will be sent out by email - please contact Helen at
Join us for our weekly Quaker social get-together on zoom!
This group started with Friends from Southampton Meeting during covid lock-down, and we enjoy it so much that we have just kept going. Everyone is welcome from across the area and beyond, and do feel free to drop in and out as you like.
We meet every Thursday afternoon from 14:30, find the zoom link on the AM Calendar page.
‘Experiment with Light’ is a Quaker practice which is based on early Friends’ discoveries.
It was devised in 1996 by Quaker and theologian Rex Ambler following his study of early Friends’ writings. He wanted to discover what it was that made them so sure, so centred, so willing to suffer privations to keep alive their faith. He discovered a process by which the Light may be accessed. Experiment with Light is a Quaker Recognised Body in Britain, see the website here for more details.
We have been meeting monthly, alternating between in-person and online. Look on the AM Calendar page for upcoming events.
Friends from other meetings across the area are very welcome to join!
We come together for a regular online discussion group once a fortnight, why not join us? Recent topics, for example, have included our peace testimony, and the question of assisted dying. Of course we don't always agree on everything, and often it's those subjects where we differ that provide the most interesting conversations.
To find out more, and to get the zoom link, contact us at
Venue: Winchester Local Quaker Meeting Zoom
Elders are inviting people from different Quaker interest groups to meet us and talk about their work on the third Monday in the month at 7pm. It will be an opportunity to learn about these groups and ask questions.
Please let Dorothy Hamilton from Winchester Meeting know if you already belong to one of these groups, or would have an interest in any of them you would like to follow up.The list can be found on the Quakers in Britain website, under Our Organisation, Other Quaker Groups, or via this link.
If you do not have the Winchester Quaker Meeting Zoom address, please email