

The experience of coming together in the silent waiting of Meeting for Worship is at the living breathing heart of what we do as Quakers. A sense of homecoming; a place of rest, nourishment and belonging. It is from this place of deep spiritual connection that our actions in the world arise. Both individually and communally in action, we bear witness to our Quaker testimonies and concerns, and make a difference in the world. 

Take a look below at some of the many ways in which our local meetings work to express their particular concerns...

... not to mention the countless heartfelt ways, both small and great, in which individual members and attenders take the inspiration felt in Meeting for Worship and go out into the world, strengthened and motivated to live out their Quaker values of Simplicity, Peace, Equality, Truth and Sustainability. These are our Quaker Testimonies.

 Hampshire & Islands Area Meeting newsletter "News & Views" is available here.

The Area Meeting and its trustees work to support the affairs of the Society and to support Local Meetings. Our local meetings vary in size - the smallest may have fewer than 10 attending the Sunday Meeting for Worship, and the largest may have over 30. Friends often attend the Meeting nearest to where they live, but others choose a different Meeting where they feel more at home. All Local Meetings, whatever their size, share the same way of worship.

We usually meet at an area level on the second Saturday of the month, either online or in person. Members of HIAQM are encouraged to take part in business meetings as often as they can. Attenders are also warmly welcome, please inform the Clerk in advance, and permission is normally given. 

What happens at an AM Meeting for Worship for Business? If this is your first time, you may find these introductory notes below helpful.

Hampshire and Islands Area Quaker Meeting is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered E&W 1186058.

Registered Address: Friends Meeting House, 16 Colebrook Street, Winchester SO23 9LH